XBRL UK, member of XBRL Europe, announces an ESEF Conference held and organized at the Financial Reporting Council in London December 6, called the “UK Digital Reporting Forum” with the following theme “Moving towards the digital annual report and accounts”.
As explained on the FRC website “Regulations, expectations and technology are driving an acceleration in the digitisation of corporate reporting across Europe. This half-day event provides an opportunity for preparers and other stakeholders to learn about what to expect from changes to European regulation and what companies and others might learn in their own digital reporting transition”
The programme will cover the following points:
- Structured data basics – what is it, how is it used and how will it be used?
- European digital regulation – Overview and current status
- Current state of digital reporting in the UK
- Lessons from other jurisdictions
- Concerns, issues and opportunities on the digital journey
More info and registration at LINK