
Dear members of XBRL Europe,


I have also the great pleasure to announce that XBRL Sweden has decided to join XBRL Europe in becoming thus the 23rd member in XBRL Europe and the 10th European XBRL jurisdiction amongst 12 existing at the moment.


Let me also remind that XBRL Europe membership is now comprised of XBRL Belgium, XBRL Denmark, XBRL Germany, XBRL France, XBRL Italy, XBRL Luxembourg, XBRL Netherlands, XBRL Spain, XBRL Sweden, XBRL United Kingdom and XBRL International and The European Federation of Financial Analyst Societies, Deloitte Innovation BV, Bermuda Monetary Authority, Fujitsu Poland EMEA, Infogreffe, THEIA Partners, Ernst & Young EMEIA, Bank Al Maghrib (Central Bank of Morocco)), BR-AG Poznan, Atos International, UB Partners, AxiomSL.


XBRL Sweden is represented by our friend Bjorn Rydberg(bjorn.rydberg@se.ey.com) who I am sure you have maybe met in Luxembourg.


A very important point to be underlined is that XBRL Sweden has initiated a work some weeks ago with the Swedish standardization body (SIS) in order for XBRL to be recognized through the Multi stakeholder platform scheme set up by the European Commission, as a recognized standard of the European Union. A similar work has also been initiated by XBRL Spain with its standardization body and thus after our last XBRL Europe adoption Committee meeting in Luxembourg, XBRL Europe has decided to set up a dedicated Task Force to coordinate this effort between its members. And this task force is co chaired by … Bjorn Rydberg from XBRL Sweden and Ignacio Boixo from XBRL Spain. Congratulations to them! We will come back to you on that topic.


Let us congratulate XBRL Sweden to have made the choice to join the XBRL Europe at this very important moment. Let us also mention that recently the last 13th of November, XBRL Denmark has organized with the participation of XBRL Sweden, an XBRL Nordic event supported by XBRL Europe.  Let us welcome XBRL Sweden and involve them more in the works in our working groups and in our next events.


Best regards


Gilles Maguet

GSM: +33.(0)


XBRL Europe – Secretary General


Tél : +33 (0)4 72 41 05 22- Fax : + 33 (0)9 56 25 55 53

E-Mail :gilles.maguet@xbrl-eu.org– Web : www.xbrleurope.org
