
Dear friends,

1.       The next 3rd of April 2014in Paris XBRL France with the support XBRL Europe organizes a conference (in French) around Solvency II. The venue is  « l’Etoile Saint Honoré, 23 rue Balzac 75008 Paris » from 9:00 to 17:30, with plenary session in the morning and solutions presentation during the afternoon.

2.       The aim of this conference is to inform the French speaking insurers and the stakeholders about solvency II and XBRL and about the requirements from the National Insurance Supervisory Authorities (Mainly French and Belgian Authorities), about the requirements from EIOPA and about the main features of the Solvency II taxonomy and about the specific calendar in France and finally about the experience from the large insurance in the implementation of Solvency II in XBRL, as the remittance is due to start in September 2014 in France.

3.       This conference funded by XBRL France is open to sponsorship from XBRL France and XBRL Europe only as explained in the leaflet. Your organization is welcome to apply for sponsorship and the choice of sponsors will be made on the principle first-come-first-serve. A maximum of 8 commercial sponsors will be accepted. The sponsors will have the possibility to make a presentation in French during the afternoon.  Applicants for sponsoring must return their forms filled to Christine Nicol  cnicol@cs.experts-comptables.org  (with copy to me gilles.maguet@xbrl-eu.org )

4.       This conference is open and free of charge for the participants (lunch included). A maximum of 150 seats are available and 60 % are reserved for the insurance industry sector stakeholders and the rest for XBRL France members and XBRL Europe participants. The conference is open to members of XBRL France and the members/participants of XBRL Europe able to understand presentations in French. The registration process will be also on the first-come-first-serve principle with a maximum of 2 persons per company/organization. Other applicants from the same organization will be put on a waiting list.

5.       You can already register in going to http://www.xbrlfrance.org/78-dernieres-infos/109-conference-francophone-xbrl-solvabilite-ii

6.       An e-mail of information will be sent to you afterwards