

XBRL week Madrid 2015

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XBRL week Madrid 2015 reaches attendance records

196 professionals of 97 organizations from 31 countries about filing


From June 1 to June 3 the Business Register and the Bank of Spain have hosted the XBRL week at its headquarters in Madrid. In order to achieve International & European standardization in the preparation and filing of financial and business reporting, over 200 professionals have gathered to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Eurofiling and continue working for the successful filing with XBRL.

See More.



You can download
the presentations in this link.

10 years of Eurofiling

Check your pictures here.













Copyright © 2015 XBRL Europe & Eurofiling, All rights reserved.
XBRL Europe. www.xbrl.eu Secretary General: Gilles Maguet. EuroFiling Initiative. www.eurofiling.info. Coordinator: Derek De Brandt. CREATIVE COMMONS BY Documents and translations may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. See legal notice at http://eurofiling.info/legal.shtml

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XBRL Europe & Eurofiling

XBRL España – Apartado 24025

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