Take a look on the sponsored videos from members.
The first presentation was provided by FIRESYS.
- The ESEF implementation – a review of the German and Austrian markets, firesys GmbH, Janosch Wild
And the second presentation is from AMELKIS about the FNAC DARTY Case.
- Feedback from FNAC DARTY on the realization of their first ESEF reporting, Amelkis, Nawfal Yassir & Fnac Darty, Mr Hassani-Afchar, Group Consolidation Director
In this digital event, the 29th of April from 13:45 to 17:15 – XBRL Europe and/or national XBRL jurisdictions members (software companies and service providers) present ESEF Use Cases based on their feedback/return on experience in preparing ESEF in various countries.
This digital event is moderated by Elina Koskentalo from XBRL Finland and Thomas Verdin from XBRL UK, both acting as vice-chairs of XBRL Europe.
The really intense program provide a full overview a of first year of ESEF and best practice to prepare the next publication:
- 13:45 Welcome Words
- 13:50 XBRL review, Datatracks, Vergil Lamech
- 14:05 The future of ESEF, a deep dive into the quality of 2020 ESEF Filings in Finland, Iris, Anuradha Rk, Shraddha Bagul
- 14:20 ESEF data validations, Parseport, Michael Krog
- 14:35 The gateway to your investors and analysts, Pomelo-Paradigm, Rania Ibnaiche
- 14:50 ESEF Reporting: 2020 retrospective from the coalface, UBPartner, Martin Deville
- 15:05 Between ESEF and analysis – why the investor perspective should always be considered. Tagging and anchoring examples, ABZ Reporting, Till Schneider
- 15:20 Key ESEF project implementation steps, Alui, Alan Trotman
- 15:35 Reaching XBRL data quality, AMANA, Pierre Hamon, Janis Steinmann
- 15:50 Feedback from FNAC DARTY on the realization of their first ESEF reporting, Amelkis, Nawfal Yassir & Fnac Darty, Mr Hassani-Afchar, Group Consolidation Director
- 16:05 First year of ESEF: Challenge accepted, Bundesanzeiger, Tobias Ramolla
- 16:20 Last minute change to the Cash Flow Statement, CtrlPrint, Karl Magnus Westerberg
- 16:35 The ESEF implementation – a review of the German and Austrian markets, firesys GmbH, Janosch Wild
- 16:50 Lessons learned from the 1st real-life ESEF filing round, Invoke, Antoine Bourdais
- 17:05 Conclusions and end of the event