
FRIDAY 24 MAY 2024 – 12.00 – 12.15am CET & 1.30-3.45pm CET




12.00 – 12.15 : Event partners introduction – Moderator: Joel Vicente


  • Gold partner Bundesanzeiger by Yanesse Boumrar       
  • Gold partner Eunoia by Vlad Kalashnikov           


13.30 – 14.45 : Use cases presentations – Moderator: Elina Koskentalo 


  • 13.30 – 14.45 – “Leveraging iXBRL to enhance readability and transparency of digital documents” – Anushree Joshi Aparajit, Head of Customer Success at IRIS        
  • 13.45 14.00 – “Handling OIM in regulatory reporting platforms” – Eugeniusz Tomaszewski, Senior Business Analyst at Fujitsu     
  • 14.00 – 14.15 “From ESRS taxonomy to a report creation portal in an automated way” – Sander ‘t Hoen, Lead Taxonomy Development and Tooling at Visma Connect    
  • 14.15 – 14.30 – “Transforming ESG Compliance: The AI and XBRL Synergy” – Vlad Kalashnikov, Senior Product Manager at Eunoia     
  • 14.30-14.45 – “How issuers take ownership of their ESEF message” – Thomas Verdin, Managing Director at BM&A and Mary Tinnelly, Strategic Partnerships and Alliances Manager at Arkk     


Host & Moderator: 
Joel Vicente

Joel Vicente brings over twenty years of XBRL expertise, from academic research to technological implementation. As an XBRL Senior Consultant at CoreFiling, he collaborates with clients in the XBRL Europe market, guiding them through regulatory compliance and project implementation. Prior to CoreFiling, Joel played a key role in designing global XBRL taxonomies within the IASCF team. Holding a Master’s degree in Computer Science, his commitment to XBRL is evident through his extensive training initiatives and contributions to standardisation efforts.

Moderator: Elina Koskentalo XBRL FInland 

Workgroup member photo

Elina Koskentalo is a private consultant with over 10 years of working experience with XBRL and digitalization over various projects around the world. 
Elina oversees the operation of XBRL Finland and she is the vice-president of XBRL Europe and a board member of the Eurofiling organisation. Elina has also experience of many international standardisation working groups.

Yanesse Boumrar
Bundesanzeiger Verlag LLC

Mr. Yanesse Boumrar is Product Manager at Bundesanzeiger Verlag LLC. in Cologne. He is responsible for the ESEF Manager and the European Platform for Shareholder Identification and Information (DPAii). As a product manager, he also deals with various issues relating to ESG. He holds a master’s degree in market and media research and has expertise in agile working methods and digitalization. 
Vlad Kalashnikov Eunoia

Vlad Kalashnikov is the Senior Product Manager at Eunoia Limited in Malta, a member of XBRL Europe, where he spearheads the development and strategic direction of CFOUR Comply, a cutting-edge software solution for ESEF and CSRD reporting. His leadership has been pivotal in enhancing CFOUR Comply’s capabilities, focusing on user experience and collaboration. With a deep understanding of XBRL and regulatory compliance requirements, Vlad has significantly advanced the software’s ability to produce accurate XBRL outputs and has supported several listed companies in their ESEF and UKSEF submission. Vlad’s commitment to excellence and his expertise in financial technology continue to drive the evolution of CFOUR Comply, ensuring it remains at the forefront of regulatory reporting solutions.
AnushreeJoshi Aparajit

A Chartered Accountant (CA) and a Cost Management Accountant (CMA) with 12-year experience in XBRL domain serves as a Subject Matter Expert and Global head of Customer Success, with active participation in the XBRL working groups of Best Practices and ESG,  her collaborative efforts extend to include Fortune 500 firms in the Europe region on the ESMA front, UK, US on FERC side and leading Indian XBRL reporters in India on MCA compliances.

Eugeniusz Tomaszewski


  • 10 years with Fujitsu EMEA Center of Excellence for xBRL Solutions
  • business analyst and project manager roles in software development XBRL projects
  • consultancy in taxonomy implementation projects – architecture, technical decisions
  • recently – managing OIM standards’ implementation in Fujitsu product portfolio
Sander’t Hoen

Visma Connect

Sander ‘t Hoen is lead taxonomy development and tooling at Visma Connect. He is responsible for the development of several Dutch taxonomies, which are used within different reporting chains. He has a background in financial auditing and holds a degree as Chartered Accountant. He uses his financial experience in translating (financial) data models into XBRL taxonomies. Furthermore he is a member of several XBRL expert and working groups in the Netherlands.

Thomas Verdin
BM&A TESH Advice

Thomas Verdin is Chair of XBRL Europe and active member of XBRL UK and XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Thomas is Managing Director at BM&A UK and expertise provider at TESH Advice, working as a consultant for banks, insurance firms and listed corporate regarding their regulatory reporting requirements (COREP, FINREP, QRT, ESEF, ESG). Thomas holds an MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs (Paris – Stuttgart – Montreal). He is a Civil Engineer with a double degree from École Polytechnique de Bruxelles and École Centrale Paris.

Mary Tinnelly


Joining ARKK in 2016, Mary Tinnelly headed up ARKK’s iXBRL tagging team, responsible for tagging over 5,000 reports a year for HMRC, Companies House and Irish Revenue. When the new iXBRL reporting mandate, ESEF, was introduced, she moved to the Customer Team and now works with Arkk’s partners across all of the product offerings, ensuring partners and clients are adhering to the jurisdictional/industry best practices.