
Welcome words by Thomas Verdin Chair XBRL Europe and Gilles Maguet, CEO XBRL Europe.

Thomas Verdin      XBRL Europe



Thomas Verdin is Chair of XBRL Europe and active member of XBRL UK and XBRL France. He is co-chairing the XBRL Europe Bank & Insurance working group. Thomas is Managing Director at BM&A UK and expertise provider at TESH Advice, working as a consultant for banks, insurance firms and listed corporate regarding their regulatory reporting requirements (COREP, FINREP, QRT, ESEF, ESG). Thomas holds an MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs (Paris – Stuttgart – Montreal). He is a Civil Engineer with a double degree from École Polytechnique de Bruxelles and École Centrale Paris.
Gilles Maguet      XBRL Europe

Gilles Maguet is CEO of XBRL Europe and Secretary General of XBRL France. Gilles Maguet helps to move XBRL forward in Europe in liaising with Institutions/authorities, in organising events and in working group activities, like in Europe for the ESEF, the ESG, and the Banking and Insurance reportings. Gilles Maguet is involved in the XBRL initiative for 20 years.