
Welcome on the SD-TF webpage!

SD-TF is the short name for the XBRL Europe Sustainable Development Task Force, that has been created in July 2017 as a subgroup of the XBRL Europe association to support the long term going concern of the organisation.

The SD-TF aims to establish a membership drive and to assess other funding opportunities to ensure the long term going concern of XBRL Europe.

The Task Force is responsible for:

  •  New membership drive by identifying and motivating interested parties
  • Collaboration with European Jurisdiction to encourage new XBRL Europe members
  • Identification of EU funding resources.
  • Delivery of a long term XBRL “Going Concern” road map.

In 2019, a major action initiated by the SDTF is the ESEF Hub and the related webinars. A new call for webinars and contents is planned in 2021.

SD-TF Working Documents: for registered members

SD-TF Co-Chairs: Liv Apneseth Watson & Thomas Verdin

XBRL Europe Secretary General : Gilles Maguet